Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Tuckerton Police Dept



As of 0600 hours January 3, 2022, Tuckerton Police Dept. is utilizing body worn cameras.

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Borough of Tuckerton


420 East Main Street



609 296-6270

In Case of Emergency: Dial 911

Tuckerton NJ Police Dept

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a professional community-oriented police service.  We are committed to creating and maintaining an active community partnership and assisting citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of lives in our neighborhoods. We are dedicated to protecting life, property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to all.

Tuckerton NJ Police Dept

Value Statement

The Tuckerton Police Department will be guided by our core values in pursuit of our mission.  Our core values are:


We will continue to build trust with our community and within our department through honesty and integrity in our decision-making.


We have committed ourselves to elevated standards of trust, responsibility and discipline while promoting justice in a fair and impartial manner.


We are committed to protecting life, property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to all.


Continue in our efforts to be highly trained and qualified through on-going training.


We are proud of the reputation our department has built over the years and are committed to continuing this through diligence and hard work.


We will earn the respect, and support of the citizens through active partnership, involvement and service to the community we serve.


Always uphold the honesty and integrity we were sworn to uphold.


Sworn commitment to act in an ethical manner.


Having and showing high moral qualities and ideas with courage and spirit.


To help prevent unnecessary accidents and injuries, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office in conjunction with the Ocean County Chiefs of Police Association is launching a new mobile phone app.  MobiLoc can be installed on cell phones and when installed can block texting when the vehicle carrying the phone goes over 7 mph.  All texts received during the time the phone is blocked are fully accessible once the car has stopped.  A limited number of apps will be available to the public at no cost as a pilot project in Ocean County.  Interested people should contact OCPO @  732-929-2027 or go to and enter coupon code oceancounty2012 to redeem your MobiLoc certificate.

If you see something....

Say something!

Project Medicine Drop Off

Tuckerton Borough Police Department has announced that it has joined the New jersey Attorney General’s "Project Medicine Drop" program, and has installed a Project Medicine drop box at police headquarters. This announcement makes it easier and more convenient than ever for Tuckerton residents to take an active role in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of opiate and heroin abuse, which often is fueled by the abuse of prescription painkillers. Project Medicine Drop is an addition to our commitment to help improve the public safety and quality of life in Tuckerton Borough. It will encourage our residents to be fully aware of the potential for abuse presented by otherwise beneficial medications. The department’s new Project Medicine Drop box is located in the Tuckerton Borough Complex at 420 East Main St. Residents may visit the Tuckerton Police Department during the hours of 9:00am to 3:00pm Monday thru Friday, to dispose of their unused or excess medications.

Please Be Advised
The Entire Length of Tuckerton Creek is a
no Wake Zone

Contact of Ocean County Inc. is a nonprofit organization which provides free and confidential assistance twenty four hours a day. Extensive database of resources regarding health and human services programs. or dial 211 on your phone.

Info Links

(Random Property Security Check by Police)

School Info

SCHOOL SAFETY Tips & Warnings
Parents school parking, safety tips and advisory.

Online Resources

Neighborhood Watch

Please report any suspicious activity in your area to the Police Department by calling 296-9416. If the nature is life threatening or a criminal act is in progress dial 911.

State the location and a description of the activity to the dispatcher. When able, stay on the line providing dispatch with current information, such as last location, description, dress of individual and vehicle information.

Please, never jeopardize your safety to assist the police. Stay at a safe distance and location. Your assistance is of the utmost importance and priority.

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