Municipal Clerk / Administrator

Office of the Administrator and Municipal Clerk
Administrator / Borough Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Jenny Gleghorn, RMC/CMR

(609) 296-9247
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Our Services
The Municipal Clerk’s Office provides a variety of public services. Many of these services arise out of the core duties of the Municipal Clerk that are specified by State Law. In addition to acting as Secretary to the Municipal Corporation and Municipal Governing Body, the Municipal Clerk also serves as chief administrative officer and chief registrar of voters in all elections in the municipality; serves as the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for many types of licenses and permits; serves as records manager for implementing local archives and records retention programs; and oversees requests for public records. The Municipal Clerk’s Office provides access to minutes of all regular and special meeting of the governing, ordinances and resolutions adopted by the governing body as well as the Code of the Borough of Tuckerton. Copies of current minutes are available by clicking here. The Municipal Clerk’s Office also oversees requests for the vital statistics records, the issuance of marriage licenses and requests for certified copies of all births, marriages and deaths occurring in the Borough of Tuckerton.

Voter Registrations
The following forms can be found at
- Voter Registrations
- Name Change
- Address Change
- Party Affiliation
- Absentee Ballot Applications
Dog Licenses
Dog licenses must be renewed annually by January 31st. The fee is $6.00 for a neutered dog and $9.00 for a non-neutered dog. A $5.00 late fee applies to licenses purchased between February 1st and May 31st, while licenses obtained after May 31st incur a $10.00 late fee. Proof of a current rabies vaccination (valid for at least 10 months of the licensing year) and neutering status must be provided at the time of purchase.
You may obtain the Dog License application form by clicking here.
- Taxi License
- Mobile Home Park License
- Solicitation Permits
- Raffle & Bingo License – click here. for further information.
- Liquor License – click here. for further information.
Copies of the applications for the various licenses can be obtained by visiting the Municipal Clerk’s office during normal business hours.
Landlords Filing Statement Livery and Limo Services
Copies of the applications for the various registrations can be obtained by visiting the Municipal Clerk’s Office during normal business hours.
Vital Records
Please check with the Municipal Clerk’s Office for a copy of your Birth, Marriage and Death Record, if the record is not available locally you may obtain certified copies by filling out the Request for Vital Record Application by CLICKING HERE , you will need a credit card to complete this transaction.
If the Vital Records are available locally you may obtain a certified copy by completing the Request for Vital Record Application and submitting the correct payment for the certified copy.
Marriage Licenses are $28.00
Certified Copies are $10.00 each
Please mail check along with application to:
Municipal Clerk’s Office
420 East Main St.
Tuckerton, NJ 08087
Request for Vital Record Application
Request for Public Records
In order to obtain a public record you must complete a Request for Public Record Application Form – click here.
Please note that the new charge for copy fees are as follows:
Letter Size or Smaller - $0.05 a page
Legal Size or Bigger - $0.07 a page