Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Construction & Code Enforcement

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Call Before You Dig! It's the Law!

Before you dig on any property you must call 1-800-272-1000

Welcome to the Building, Zoning, and Code Enforcement Department’s Web page.

Zoning Official, Construction Official, Building Sub-Code,Fire Protection Sub-Code Official, Building Inspector, Mechanical Subcode and Fire Protection Inspector:

Phil Reed

Electrical Subcode Inspector, Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector:

Alt. Electrical Subcode Official,

Alt. Electric Inspector

Philip D'Amore

Code Enforcement Officers:

James McAndrew

Technical Assistant to Construction Officials:

Lindsay Cranmer

Deputy Zoning Officer:

James McAndrew

Building, Zoning & Code Enforcement

The Construction Office is closed on regular legal holidays.

Plumbing Sub Code Official, Plumbing Inspector,
Building Inspector, Deputy Mechanical Inspector:

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