Borough of Tuckerton Historic Preservation Advisory Commission
Improving our Future By Preserving our Past, Click Here for a copy of the Landmarks (Historic Preservation Advisory Commssion) Informational Flyer
Please check back often for updates, new programs and additional information.
The commission meets 7:00pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Borough Complex. The public is invited to attend and share ideas.
"Borough of Tuckerton Landmarks (Historic Preservation Advisory) Commission Received Funding This Year From the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of Cultural Affairs in the Department of State, Through a Local History Program Grant Administered by the Ocean County Cultural and
Heritage Commission."
Improving our Future By Preserving our Past Click Here for a copy of the Landmarks Informational Flyer.
The commission shall make a comprehensive survey of the Borough of Tuckerton for the purpose of identifying historic districts and landmarks, which are worthy of protection and preservation. A Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Landmarks Advisory Commission shall be required before a permit is issued for any of the following or, in the event that no other type of permit is otherwise required, before work can commence on any of the following activities on the property of any landmark or within the historic district.
Demolition of a historic landmark or improvement within any historic district.
Relocation of any historic landmark.
Change in exterior appearance.
Any new construction of a principle or accessory structure.
Changes in or addition of new signs or exterior lighting.
For a full description and duties please consult the Code of the Borough of Tuckerton book available at the Borough Clerk’s office or click here
Please click here for a detailed web site of the wonderful, historic Landmarks of Tuckerton Borough.