Environmental Commission

Tuckerton Environmental Commission
The Tuckerton Environmental Commission is organized into three working committees and a Citizens advisory Committee each having a focus on key environmental topics.
Environmental Commission Meetings are held the SECOND Thursday of each month. 7:00 PM at the Borough Complex, 420 East Main Street Tuckerton, NJ.
Please note that as of January 2020 our Waterways Commission and our Environmental Commission have merged.
Public is encouraged to attend!!
The committee meets 7:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Borough Complex. The public is invited to attend and share ideas.
Tuckerton committee members take great pride in making Tuckerton such a special place to live and visit.
Kaylyn Ullman-Chair
Unexp. Term Exp 12/31/27
Cynthia Coritz - Vice Chair
Term Exp 12/31/25
Beth Obiedzinski-Garvin
Unxp. Term Exp 12/31/25
Unexp. Term Exp 12/31/25
Anthony Scaglione
Term Exp 12/31/25
Deborah McMunn
Unexp. Term Exp 12/31/26
Alternate Members:
#1 John B. McCormack Unexp. Term Exp 12/31/26
#2 Paul Solimani Unexp. Term Exp 12/31/26
Environmental Monthly Tip
Leave the Leaves!!!
Environmental Links
Lakes & Watershed
- Rehabilitation of Lake Pohatcong.
- Protection of fresh water wetlands
Land Use &
Open Space Preservation
- Environmental advocacy on the Land Use Board; review variance applications for consistency with environmental protection and provisions of the Master Plan.
- Identify opportunities for open space acquisition and funding.
- Coordination of Shade Tree programs.
Citizens Advisory Committee
- High school and college programs supporting TEC initiatives.
- Various community level programs.
Advocacy & Education
- Initiate constituent and media outreach to support TEC programs.
- Coordinate TEC participation at various local events.
- Assist with the borough recycling program and promote recycling education programs through local schools and community groups.
Upcoming Events: