Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Flooding Preparation & Considerations


Flooding Preparation & Considerations

13 January 2017

Coastal Storm, Flooding Preparations & Considerations.

Secure all property that will either be blown by high winds or become buoyant and float.

Secure items which can be wind blown such as

Secure anything that will become buoyant and float such as


Prior to storms take any bulk items out for trash to the public works yard or if you have no means to get the items there contact public works so they can remove them prior to the storm.

Objects that are heavy become buoyant and float easily.  Full sized pilings have floated into sides of homes causing damage in the past. Consider also that they can strike gas meters and cause a gas leak possibly then causing a structural fire. Floating propane tanks are extremely hazardous. Buoyant items can also obstruct or even block roadways cutting off routes for you or other residents.  Emergency response efforts can be hampered during and after a storm.

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A decision to wait to the last minute to leave your home in your vehicle could also create a significant issue. 

Flooding Preparation & Considerations

Driving through the water has many concerns where the level disables your vehicle.  Know where your vehicle’s air intake is.  Some vehicles air intake is low near the ground.  When the water is sucked in through the air intake it will cause your engine to quit running.  The vehicle will not start and possibly cause long term damage or end up totaling your vehicle.  Not to mention the obvious, leaving you stranded and having to walk through the water if you can or in need of rescue.

Driving through high waters will cause a wake which has an effect as well.  If you must drive through it, drive slowly under 5 MPH creating as little wake as possible.  The faster you drive the more damage it causes to property and your vehicle as it washes water up into you engine compartment which may also disable your vehicle. Your vehicle may float in only two feet of water, putting you in an even worse situation!

** If ever there is ever an evacuation order given, do not ignore it.  During a severe storm, emergency personnel will not respond for rescue where it will jeopardize the lives of those personnel!

One of the best things you can do is remain in a prepared state.

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