Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00

South Green St. Park

Parks & Recreations
South Green St. Park

The South Green St. Park located at the end of South Green on the Great Bay. Recently renovated to include a 60 Ft fishing pier extending out into the bay and 60 feet across for a great fishing experience. A great spot to see the sun come up. South Green St Park is OPEN. Each day the park will open at approx. 6am until dusk.

The area where the boat accident occurred is gated off. Please DO NOT go near this area or we will have to close the park again. The open times are temporary and will be adjusted once the park is completed, but for now the Mayor and Council want everyone to be able to enjoy the park, but they also want to keep everyone safe and not have the park destroyed. Please call the Borough 609-296-2701 with any questions. Thank you for your patience.

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